
Our annual church picnic at Coonskin Park is fun for one and all.
Our annual church picnic at Coonskin Park is fun for one and all.

Fellowship is an important part of church life at KUPC. We come together on many occasions to develop our spiritual selves and just to enjoy each other’s company. We provide opportunities for both small group and church wide fellowship. In addition to the following list of annual and monthly events, the Congregational Care Committee facilitates other areas of ministry including meals to members of the congregation at times of sorrow and illness, as well as new births, and communion to the homebound.


  • Sunday Coffee/Fellowship Hour
  • Presbyterian Women Circles
  • Men’s Breakfast Group (Thursday mornings at 8:00am, The Smokehouse, W. Washington St)
  • Congregational Dinners
  • Annual Picnic
  • Children’s Winter Sleepover
  • PALS (Presbyterians at Leisure, 3rd Tuesday of each month, 11:30am)
  • New Member Luncheons
  • Shrove Tuesday Celebration
  • Pentecost Party

    Regular congregational events help us to share our faith in fellowship with one another.
    Regular congregational events help us to share our faith in fellowship with one another.
    Frank & Lisa share a laugh at the picnic!
    Frank & Lisa share a laugh at the picnic!
    Patterson pitches in at the picnic!
    Patterson loads up!
    Fun at the picnic
    Gotta Love these guys!





January Newsletter available!

Our Hours

Choir Rehearsal - 9:00 am

Worship - 11 am

Fellowship - 12 noon

Office Hours:

Tues/Thurs/Fri 12 - 4:30 pm

Closed Saturday