BraveHeart Outreach Ministry

BraveHeart at Kanawha United Presbyterian Church provides age-appropriate social activities for young adults (ages 16+) living with cognitive and developmental challenges. Our activities are planned for maximum participation by all, regardless of ability level and are solely intended to provide opportunities for social interaction and community inclusion.

Braveheart Events!

“It was so uplifting. I will lobby vigorously for future collaboration. I went to bed with a smile on my face. Hanging out with these wonderful young folks was food for the soul.”

“What a great time we had last night! The love that was everywhere in that place! Tears in my eyes typing this. Thank you and all from your church! What a witness to God you all are! Jonathan woke up dancing!?

“It was a wonderful party! The 3 of us plus our other three pals totally enjoyed all the fun… Thank you, thank you, thank you… We totally agree that our different ableness makes the world a better place and the support and prayers from your congregation makes a difference!

The Outreach Committee of St. John’s Episcopal Church has joined KUPC in our BraveHeart Fellowship mission. We all look forward to this collaboration between our two churches.

The Mission Committee has designed and provided this mission opportunity for over two years. Contact Susan Minnerly at 304-342-6558 if you wish to volunteer for BraveHeart.



June Newsletter available!

Our Hours

Choir Rehearsal - 9:00 am

Worship - 11 am

Fellowship - 12 noon

Office Hours:

Tues/Thurs/Fri 12 - 3:30 pm

Closed Saturday