Bicentennial Celebration 2019

Let the Celebration Begin!

KP 107 logo art file




Next year – March 2019 – Kanawha Church will mark our 200th Birthday! A committee is hard at work with the planning, and we want YOU to be part of it! In June 2013, Session formed a Bicentennial Committee to begin making plans for recognizing this special event in the history of Kanawha United Presbyterian Church.

The committee began by identifying the following goals:

● Celebrate God’s presence in our 200-year history, looking back and looking forward.

● Represent the history of the church to gain wide appeal and include the memories of members.

● Involve every member of the congregation in some way in the bicentennial.

● Enlarge the church’s presence in the community, developing more community awareness of KUPC.

● Draw attention to the church in a manner that will enlarge our community of faith. Kanawha Church shares this historic presence with other Presbyterian churches in the area, and we want to work with all the churches in our denomination to celebrate 200 years of Presbyterianism in the Kanawha Valley. A delegation of our members will be contacting other churches to invite them to work with us to plan a joint event.






Some of the special activities our church plans are :

● A Homecoming, inviting all present and past members of the congregation

● Two concerts of the Westminster Choir during their winter tour

● Showcasing the history of the church through a book (being put together by Richard Hartman), articles and displays

● Development of a mission project, to be funded by a quilt raffle (Cindy Lilly is in the process of making the quilt.)

● Creating an oral history by interviewing and taping members of the church (to be headed by Chuck Frostick)

● Develop a book of devotions (headed by Gina Rugeley and Nancy Wooddall

And many more to come!


Current members of the committee are:  Jeff Brown, Anne Carroll, Roberta Fowlkes, chair, Carter Giltinan, Richard Hartman, Mary Buffington Jenkins, Susannah Johnson, Sarah Lacy, Cindy Lilly, Patterson Lyles, Ron Neal, Lisa Smith and Nancy Woodall.

Anyone who would like to participate on the committee or serve as a chair, or help organize events is welcome!

The next meeting of the committee is Monday, March 2, 7 p.m., In the Cleek Parlor.

Our New Logo – Designed by John Auge

In recognition of our upcoming bicentennial, a new church logo has been designed by local graphic designer John Auge of Auge+Gray. We are very grateful to John for donating this logo as a gift to the church! If you know John, be sure to give him your personal thanks. Watch for the new logo around the church!

Thank You John!



January Newsletter available!

Our Hours

Choir Rehearsal - 9:00 am

Worship - 11 am

Fellowship - 12 noon

Office Hours:

Tues/Thurs/Fri 12 - 4:30 pm

Closed Saturday